For Z Scale...
99040915 Micro-Track
Right-Hand Remote Turnout
Right-Hand Remote Turnout z.scale.hobo's Price: $40.99 SEE OUR SHIPPING POLICY NOTE: Due to no supply from MTL, we are supplying this turnout as the Manual version plus a loose-packed motor that you, the end user, must install. See instruction by clicking LINK MTL's Description: R490mm - 13 degree right-hand turnout. Turnout kit consists of a 110mm right remote-operated switch, a R490mm 13 degree transition track and a 110mm straight track section. NOTE: All z scale Micro-Track features:
MTL 99040915 Right-Hand Remote Turnout back-ordered Ships from z.scale.hobo in California Shipping price quoted in cart is for Domestic USA only contact us for non-USA shipment quotation before order! |
$40.99 |
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